
MTB4 --*

who tuned in last night ??
...i personally think Diddy should lighten up on Dawn &&& Andrea , 'cause like they said ... its technically not THEIR fault for the rest of the group not showing . although i see where his frustration comes from .

BUUUUT -- day 26 , they are so sexxxxy to me ! &&& those songs , amazing . SO GOOD , is my fav' so farrrr .

( i cant seem to find it , or i'd post it here . but you can peep it on myspace if you'd like . )


ill;kinda said...

OMG! stop telling me how the show went ! lol
I didn't get a chance to watch it & you're blabbing ! :)

Just kidding,
I will be catching the re-run if it comes on at all today .

Anonymous said...

I didn't get why he was putting all the responsibility on them. He's their boss so why isn't he the one contacting them?

Ummmmm yeah Day 26...wasn't really feeling them at first, but I sooooo wanted to be in the studio while they were singing So Good..lol