
ike turner (jr .) ??

come on now chris breezy ....
(i think this is a photoshopped flick -- haha )

...he SHOULD be hiding his face .!
(alothough i feel we need the true facts before we jump to conclusions )

although i do think theee news is exaggerating , i still love you chris !!


RAEthoven said...

lol that picture is fake.

that doesn't make what he did right though.

brook lynne carter. said...

omg girl u know that pic is fake right?

ill;kinda said...

wait what the fuck is he sitting in a booster seat?? lol

the media is making it so extravagantly big. It doesn't make it right that he did it, but no one but those two know's the circumstances. & I don't think he 'beat' her, but he might have roughed her ass up a little bit... & hell who doesn't get roughed up now? lol

nah I shouldn't condone his antics, but I love him soooo much it's just hard to believe. :(

Chaveeo said...

stoopid photoshop!!!!!

Miss.$ugarDaddy said...

i seen this & all i could say was..photoshop

Anonymous said...

Chris Brown: So Sorry

Posted Feb 15th 2009 2:46PM by TMZ Staff

It only took Chris Brown a week since we broke the story of his alleged beatdown of Rihanna to release a statement... but here it is.

"Words cannot begin to express how sorry and saddened I am over what transpired. I am seeking the counseling of my pastor, my mother and other loved ones and I am committed, with God's help, to emerging a better person. Much of what has been speculated or reported on blogs and/or reported in the media is wrong. While I would like to be able to talk about this more, until the legal issues are resolved, this is all I can say except that I have not written any messages or made any posts to Facebook, on blogs or any place else. Those posts or writing under my name are frauds."

A spokesperson for Rihanna declined to comment.

Brown's statement...
PR BS 83%
Heartfelt 17%
Total Votes: 76,532
Note on Poll Results

Anonymous said...

Quote of the Day

Posted by Bossip Staff

Dig what John Legend has to say about the Chrihanna debacle:

“I know both of them. I was surprised when I heard because it doesn’t strike me as something Chris would do. You never know what’s inside people or what can trigger that. It’s an awful story. I feel terrible for both of them but if Chris did what they said he did, that’s unacceptable. He has to accept the consequences of it.”

Damn skippy. Any man who puts his hands (and/or teeth) on a woman should be prosecuted to the fullest - period.

Anonymous said...
